Host by Robin Cook

I have been a fan of Robin cook for a long time , almost 5-6 books span. Then i got hooked to different genre. Though i did read a few medical thrillers , none matched the writing and knowledge of Cook.

When I got a chance to read this book, i was happy and eager to embark on this adventure. This turned out to be better. The plot revolves around healthy patients ending up in a vegetative state and then being moved to a recently constructed fully automatic wing of the hospital with no one knowing the diagnosis or the cure of their various symptoms. When Lynn's boyfriend meets a siMilar fate , she starts noticing the abnormalities and the impossibility of the situation on its own. With help from her best friend , she starts digging into the patient histories and the test results and soon she finds the number of such cases are alarming for a single hospital.

What I have always enjoyed about Cook's books is the way the setup is created, to look like a day out of a diary. The characters do not just stay focussed on the investigation but the routine tells us a lot about them , the general outline of the place , the different departments and services. In a nutshell , the author transports you into the center of action with his simple yet engaging writing.

The climax is a little flat thouh I admit i will need a second look to grasp the reasoning provided in the end.

Overall , I enjoyed the book a lot.

My rating : 3.5/5 

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