Review: Guardian Angel by Ruchi Singh

Guardian Angel      
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nikhil is a person captured wrongly and for no reason apparently. And that does not go well with Ayesha who is told to nurse his woulds so he can be tortured for information.

Ayesha is a girl who would be soon married to the guy who tries too hard to earn name and money from the so called holy war against the Indians.

These two are star crossed lovers from the moment they meet and it is their story that Ruchi has penned down so beautifully.

Guardian angel is a real good story with a plot that's sorted and feels complete. Every string of this web is tied beautifully and there is a human touch to even the extreme violence that you feel throughout. I enjoyed the clarity in the writing which reflects that the author has spent due time and diligence on the characters and overall feel of the story.

A short and yet engaging read.

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