Review: Return of the Trojan Horse Tales of Criminal Investigation by Amit Dubey

Return of the Trojan Horse Tales of Criminal Investigation Return of the Trojan Horse Tales of Criminal Investigation by Amit Dubey
My rating:  3 of 5 stars

This is a semi-fictional version of some of the real cases handled by the author , helping the police in solving crime. And it show cases not just the intelligence but also the emotional involvement of the security forces in managing this huge tasks. The risks, the uncertainty and the patience it takes for solving any crime does not come without disappointments and frustration. In that sense, this is a good book to read and to reflect on the fact that there are some honest dedicated people in police and otherwise who care about others security and safety.

 The book falters in the storytelling aspect. As in you feel it is a little flat in places. The dialogues do not have a punch. Basically it lacks some editing. I would still want to read more from the author about his work. This book was enlightening.

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