The Guardian Angels by Rohit Gore

The Guardian Angels is the epic and tumultuous story of two star-crossed lovers who weren’t just soul-mates but were also each other’s protectors.

The fates of Adi Mehta and Radha Deodhar are deeply entwined when within days of their first rendezvous they save each other’s lives. Despite their vast sociopolitical differences, they are drawn to an uncertain future fraught with contrasting ambitions, personas and ideologies.

. . . he is the son of a billionaire, she is the daughter of a socialist.

. . . he is quiet and unassuming, she is a firebrand and spirited.
However, the unexplained phenomena ties them forever – whenever they are in peril, they are each other’s only saviors.

Over the following two decades Adi and Radha live through hope and despair, joy and sadness, and try to decipher their relationship. As the truth of their bond is revealed, they must confront the true nature of love, and ultimately, their destinies.

I picked this book only 'cause I liked Rohit's book "Circle of three"  . I wasn't aware that there was another book he has penned ( which I am going to search and read pretty soon ). The first time  I read the plot , the first impression was  , "Ok , this sounds predictable. Let's see what Rohis has to offer differently here" . 100 pages into the book , I wrote an email to him mentioning the number of times I shed tears and how much I am loving this book.

So , yes , predictable end or not , this story will move you to tears and want you to confront the true nature of your love [ I wrote quite an emotional email to my fiancee as soon as I finished this book :D ]

This is a tale of Adi and Radha who meet as teenagers , grow up together sometimes , mostly apart , loving each other , yet letting the world dictate otherwise some times. Following two lives over two decades is one hell of a task and I am impressed Rohit doesn't let the story falter at any given moment. A friend of mine recently said "soul mates are meant to shape you , change you and appreciate you , but rarely stay with you "

This totally suits Adi & Radha. It was heartwarming to see their concern and sacrifices for each other , the price they willingly paid for each other's smiles and yet never admitting once , the life they could "live happily ever after".

Rohit has created another spell-binding world in this book , which you automatically feel a part of. The circumstances , the people in their life , the events that occur , none of it seems misplaced. No dialogue lets you down , no goodbye leaves you without a lump in heart.

Maybe I am an emotional person and so could relate so much to this book. But , in all times , for most readers , I can readily recommend this book and know you won't be disappointed.

The book was received as part of Reviewers Programme on The Tales Pensieve.

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