Tantra by Adi

Fantasy fiction , supernatural , mythological .. you name it and I love this genre. since I good hooked to reading such books, I always been on lookout for Indian authors writing similar books. After Ishaan Lalit’s “the bracelet” and Kalika ( english translation of a famous Malyalam novel) , the wait has been too long.
Then I came across Tantra. Though the cover was decent , one look at the plot and my heart was on this book. I badly wanted this to be another good read and thankfully I was not disappointed.

Anu is a leather wearing, no-nonsense professional guardian with a reputation for killing the most dangerous vampires in New York City. But when her enemies murder the one person she truly cared about, all she wants is vengeance. The only clue points to New Delhi, so Anu puts in for a job transfer.
In India, she finds more than she expected. For one thing, her fellow operatives have made a truce with the vampires. For another, it’s way too hot to wear leather.
At first, it seems Anu’s biggest challenge will be evading the nice boys her aunt wants her to marry. But when children start disappearing, she discovers forces older and darker than anything she’s faced before. All of Delhi is in danger, especially the sexy stranger who sets Anu’s pulse racing.
To prepare for the coming battle, Anu must overcome her personal demons and put aside years of training. This time, her most powerful weapon will come from her mind, not her weapons belt.
After a long time I have come across an Indian female character who is in control of her head and heart ( mostly) . No giggles , no guy issues , no drama. Anu is a true professional vampire hunter [ Sigh! And I love vampires] , one of the best in her generation. But even she finds herself clueless and lost at first in capital city Delhi. The settlement , the relations made , unexpected friendships and unusual foes do make her life interesting and difficult at the same time.
Adi’s writing is  simple , clear and with lot of humor, which I must say is done with a class. The setting is realistic and relatable ,except maybe her night Auto travels. I actually envy her the liberty to sit on rooftops and enjoy the beauty of night. I liked her boss in Delhi , suresh but sadly not much light is thrown on his character. An obvious love for Chandra , the old and charming [ with looks of 25 yr old ] Chandra and total win for Amit , the vampire hunter and anu’s friend. We all love and need and should be such awesome friends and company for all times !
The dark forces in the book arise from use of Tantra and I enjoyed the way Adi sets its plot and unravels the extent of Tantra. Also the description of Maya and its power or hold on the world is a treat to read and imagine [ I will not say more in case I spoil the beauty of these scenes ]. On that note , Adi gets full score.
what I missed in the book was a proper background of Anu , of the vampire hunters , how and what made them different from rest , Chandra’s story and bit more of larger picture of the forces at work in the book. I know there is a sequel coming and I hope all these questions are answered in that.
Overall, I enjoyed the book.
My rating : 4/5


  1. Thank you so much for the review! I'm so sorry I could not divulge more about Anu in this book, as well as the rest of the universe. The original draft was almost 100 pages longer, and had so much more about her complicated childhood and history, and the make up of her psychology. Chandra's back story is also quite interesting, and he deserves quite a few more scenes. But - the goal was to write a page turner - and much of that history started to drag down the pace, :(.

    Don't worry though! Anu's history will play front and centre in Book 2!

  2. Looking forward to it :)
    thank you for the wonderful reply !!


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