Helllo !! 2013 is here ! And some news ...

Happy New Year dearest authors on the blog , dearer Admins and dear dear readers !
Oops ! I meant, anyone who makes this blog such a lovely place to return and keep updating is so dear to all of us. ! you got my point right.

so wish you and your loved ones a very happy and prosperous time ahead :)

ALOP wishes you a lot of books , and some free time to read them too ;)

and some resolutions ..
Here is an image i saw on net and I kind of liked the points. Do have a read and try to apply too :


I am NOT going to talk about how *goood* we did last year ( you know that's called boasting and I will leave that to FL )

I will just roll out few pages for 2013 [ yes yes , FL created that for us. so thank him please]

First page is Reading Progress where we track how many books did we all read and review ! I am already in for some serious competition i see ! but I love it :D

Next is the 4-month long challenge we have devised for all. and that is the Mixed Variety challenge This is an International Contest. Authors of this blog as well as readers are welcome to take part in this challenge.

and lastly , the winner of the Giveaway for Authors was FL ( for winning majority votes for best review ) . but since he declined it , I did a random pick the chit thing. [ actually I asked a huge elf at my home to do that for me and I fed him a huge bar of chocolate)

And the winner is Leo . Please email you address and book choice to admin id :)

thats all for now.
Stay blessed and safe !
And read more !
And a little more  :)

~ Nimue


  1. happy new year! loved every bit of the post! congratulations leo! i am sooo happy u won. :D looking forward to the challenges. thanks to everyone u made this such a fun place to be a part of. cheers!

  2. yay! :D finally a lucky draw goes my way. usually it doesn't. thanks Nimue and admins for the giveaway.

    i have mailed details to the admin id. have chosen Illustrado by Miguel Syjuco from the books, and will review that here once I get it and complete it :)

    agree with Arpita, this place is really fun :) happy new year to all.

  3. Happy New Year Everyone !!
    And congrats , Leo!! :D

  4. Couldn't help chuckling all through this post...FL really has been doing some hard work...and leg-pulling!
    And yes,Congratulations Leo!:)

  5. thanks Arpita & Talitha for liking my post :D
    *proud feeling*

    @Leo : hope you enjoy the book .

  6. Happy New year guys! :)
    Hope its a good one for
    everyone! *Raises glass*
    To more reading,and reviewing :D

  7. @Swarnali, @Arpita, @Talitha: thank you :D I'm excited about reading the book. A last minute change, I've gone for Sue Grafton's A is for Alibi instead.

    @Nimue: I liked the post too... :) I think I was too excited to explicitily mention it.

    @AishanniA: wish you a Happy New Year full of books and reviews and friends as well..!


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