Giveaway for Blog Authors !!

Rule#1 . As mentioned in the subject , You should be an author on the blog
Rule#2. You must have written a review in year 2012 on this blog.

 So what you have to do further ?

 1. Paste the link for the review you enjoyed writing.
 2. One review you liked to read ( of course it should be by some other author on blog).

That's it.

 The winner would be announced on Jan 1st.

 Oh, giveaway books ??
 Pick any book from below :

And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami
Tai-Pan - James Clavell
City of Bones - Cassandra Clare
Sister - Rosamund Lupton
Assassin's Creed | Renaissance - Oliver Bowden
The Mark - Jen Nadol
The Hades Factor - Robert Ludlum and Gayle Lynds
Finger Lickin' Fifteen - Janet Evanovich
The Rivered Earth - Vickram Seth
Shock Point - April Henry
Too Asian, not Asian enough - edited by Kavita Bhanat
Cheaper by the Dozen - Frank B. Gilbreth, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey
We Were Here - Matt De La Pena
A is for Alibi - Sue Grafton
The Sly Company of People who Care - Rahul Bhattacharya
Ilustrado - Miguel Syjuco

Best of Luck everyone and Merry Christmas!

Who says the admins do not love you ;)


  1. Review by me -

    Review by a fellow reviewer -

    Though Vivek is not here anymore but after reading this review, it inspired me to read a lot of Salman Rushdie and I absolutely enjoy his work.

    My pick from the list of books is - The sly company of people who care!

  2. I would obviously enjoy writing about the book I found most interesting to read. Here is my pick out of my own reviews (Easy one, given that I did not have much to choose from)

    Among others, its a real tough choice, but I think I would go with this one. There are no reasons, it is more of an instinctive liking for this post.

  3. Yatin , Can you please pick a review post by some one who is existing member of ALOP ?

    It will make me easy to count for winner :)

  4. review by self -

    review by MSM -

    Best Regards

  5. This is such a cute giveaway! :D

    The review I enjoyed writing most this year, was of the book called "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand:

    And the review that touched my heart like no other was of the book "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult, reviewed by FL:


  6. And my choice of book is "Sister" - by Rosamund Lupton, even though it's going to rip my heart apart.

  7. No,not fair...I have to judge these books by their covers now!
    My review would be(not like I had any choice):
    And a review I liked(that's three for this one FL!):
    And the book I'm angling for is Ilustrado by Miguel Syjuco(wait,are we even supposed to mention that??)

  8. Oh this is going to be painful!!

    The review I enjoyed writing....eerr... do i have to choose from out of 140 reviews! 70 percent of them fantasy :( Well, if I had to choose one I loved writing the most, it would be Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult.

    As for the the review i loved to read the most, it would have to be Juliet Naked by icyhighs

  9. Well, I'm quite new to ALOP and reviews in general ;) but okay..

    A review I loved writing (can't I say all? writing about a book is so enjoyable, so how can you ask to choose?!)

    As for reading and enjoying (again, the same thing, how can I choose?! but since I have to, I'd say... ) it was Heirs of Catriona review by Freelancer.

    I'll angle for a book later.. must read something about each book before I make up my mind.. but title wise, Illustrado seems intriguing :D

  10. So FL, you really ought to thank Jodi Picoult. :P And I know Nimue is hosting this giveaway but I'd like to know what she would choose. :D

  11. Such a lovely giveaway! And for the first time, I am at ease to enter :P :D

    My favorite review, done my me is
    Battle for Bittora by Anuja Chauhan

    And the one which I loved to read is by FL - Sing you Home by Jodi Picoult

  12. Oh and my pick of the book is A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton!!!

  13. A review I loved writing would be the first one I wrote here-
    There are two reviews that i loved reading-
    by FL -
    And by Annie (her review was adorable) -
    I would love to get Norwegian Wood :)

  14. thank you Arpita for reminding me that I have to comment too :P

    My fav review what I wrote is of course : Love virtually

    and my favorite review is :

    Yes , I love when Arpita & MSM write about House of Night !
    Thats the best fun i have had here !!

    Love u two :*

  15. aaaawww...this is one of my favorite comments now! love u toooo :D and yes HoN provided the best entertainment!

  16. @Nimue, @Swaru and @Arpi: I love you too! <3 Thank you for holding on to me! :) :)

  17. hahah 1 FL , u got so many votes , did we comment :P

    *rolls eyes*

    and dnt we bear all your fantasy ;)
    btw , hoN isnt that bad trust me !!

  18. clearly , FL is winning the votes here. So verrry grudgingly, am gonna gift any book he wants from the list above .

    But if he refuses (i hope he does) , I will do the lucky draw :D

  19. I refuse to refuse! lol just kidding.

    Thank you for loving those reviews of mine. Feel happy that it has touched a few hearts.

    As for the giveaway, I'm the head admin. Looks kinda stupid if i win it. So yes Nimue, i refuse :D you can do the lucky draw.

  20. Love you FL.
    ok, people , evertyone here except me , FL and Pulkit are eligible for the giveaway. will do a lucky draw this weekend and announce :)

    Have fun !
    And all the best.


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