Happy Birthday AttentionMagnet

Growing up is so boring. Who would ever want to? But birthdays come with....

CAKE!!!! and Boooooooks!!!

Wishing our newest member "AttentionMagnet" a very, very happy birthday :D

Rise higher, fly farther and make us prouder.... 

Love and wishes from the entire family at ALOP


  1. Happpiiiieeeeee Bday :D

    Interesting name :D

  2. A very happy birthday to you :D
    I love your pseudonym :)
    And welcome to ALOP!!!! :D :D :D

  3. Happy Birthday Attention Magnet. Hope you had a good one. :)

  4. Wish you a happy birthday :) Have a rocking day & year AM.

  5. happy birthday! and welcome to alop! :)


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