Frivolous Fridays - A Weekly Meme


Yes, now that I've your attention, how about a meme every week??

We all have been reading and reviewing stuff for a long time now [and hopefully we will still continue doing that]

So, how about we talk about something that you like? No, not sex. Something in those pages you bury your nose in, something in between those lines that you keep reading, something that you'll probably remember years later even if you forgot the climax of the book.

Lets share those, shall we. 

We can talk about anything in this meme. An author, a character, a group, a symbol, a blahblahblah. This way, we can share what we liked in a book specifically and others who read it, may like it as well. And this will, hopefully, garner that much needed interest to jump to the book or books you've read.

For eg. Someone can talk about Dan Brown or The Famous Five or The Death Eaters. You get my drift, right? Or you can talk about a scene or an event, like Quidditch or absolutely anything that you've loved, that you remember.

What I'd like more than that is :
1. Where it was first published/appeared/heard of
2. What you liked/loved/drooled about it

And that's it. Tomorrow, I'd start with the first one. And every Friday from here on, we will ask 2-3 members to post for the meme. There will be NO REVIEWS on Fridays. And when every member has written a post and the cycle is completed, it will start all over again. 

There has to be a lot of things you loved or read. So lets share.

What do you think? Need opinions.


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