Cross Fire - James Patterson

 Title : Cross Fire
 Author : James Patterson
 Genre : Thriller, Fiction
 Publisher : Century, London
 Pages : 356
 ISBN : 978-1-846-05459-4

This was my first book by James Patterson and I must say, his writing has got style. As I always say, murder in the beginning and the book is an instant hit for me. Same was the case with this one. A murder in the prologue itself and something more wild in the second chapter of prologue and hence began the roller coaster ride. I never knew that James Patterson has written a whole Alex Cross series and Cross Fire is the 17th book in the series. The earlier ones are

Along Came a Spider (1), Kiss the Girls(2), Jack & Jill (3), Cat and Mouse (4), Pop Goes the Weasel (5), Roses Are Red (6), Violets Are Blue (7), Four Blind Mice (8), The Big Bad Wolf (9), London Bridges (10), Mary, Mary (11), Cross, Cross (12), Double Cross (13), Cross Country (14), Alex Cross's Trial (15), I, Alex Cross (16), Cross Fire (17), Kill Alex Cross (18)

The book is a fast paced thriller. It starts with when Washington DC's two most hated public figures, a corrupt congressman and an underhanded lobbyist are murdered in public. A lot of other killings in the same fashion takes place. The common things in all the killings are, the shooter kills the most corrupt and hated people and always using long-range shots that too in public. Excessive media coverage explodes the entire killing business and people start having divided opinions on everything. Also, the protagonist of the book Alex Cross is all set to marry her lady lady, Brianna Stone (Bree). Too much happens in the book that keeps you engaged from the beginning till the end.

The best part about the book is, short chapters. Yes, I absolutely loved reading them leaving you aghast most of the times. There are 117 chapters in 356 pages. If you ask me, I would tag the book as "Quick Fix Thriller", yes thats what it is. It will keep you on your toes. Though at times, the relationship between Alex and Bree and also their weird love making scene breaks the momentum of the book. But if you love fast paced thrillers, this one won't disappoint you. You have my word for it.

(Review asked by Random House)

1 comment:

  1. oh yes, Alex Cross is brilliant. I've read quite a few of his works. Infact, Along Came A Spider was also adapted into a brilliant movie.

    Patterson has class. He even wrote a YA series. Err...half YA, half Sci-fi. Still, its brilliant.


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