Monthly Review

January 2012 has come and gone. And it was a good beginning.

We have had new people join us. Hello Swarnali... Oh there are 3 more, but I don't see them anywhere. I think I should remind them once more before I take action.

Smita has been kind enough with her review requests and we have successfully reviewed atleast a couple of those.

The only thing disappointing is the fact that again some of you didn't finish your monthly 2 reviews.

So, I've decided that we will e-mail you once by 15th of every month if you fail to review atleast once. And again, a gentle reminder on 20th of every month for the second review. I hope you will atleast respond when we give you reminders.

Attendance is abysmal too. If you are not reviewing, atleast read other reviews and leave a comment. We all need a comment now and then to appreciate our work.

Nimue and FL took a much needed break and it looked like the blog was stuck in static mode. Guys, the blog doesn't run on its own as much as you want it. There are pages to update, requests to assign,  giveaways to prepare and execute, reply to queries, plans to make it more easier.

MSM will be out for the better half of this month due to personal reasons. Nimue and I are back for admin duty. Pulkit has his own personal work and is granted leave from time to time. Maithili has her own group blog and she knows how tough it is to handle everything. (I'm glad that she manages to do her job here). And still it is not enough for us.

I'm assigning duties to admins from now on. Also, I am assigning admin rights to Arpita. She has deserved it. I hope you all will agree. I am proud of her progress.

The rest of you guys, as usual, have been awesome with your reviews. We are starting a group chat every Saturday 8pm - 11pm. Feel free to join us.

UCV has been inactive this month. But we hope to see her active soon.

Now, time for the MEMBER OF THE MONTH thingy.

FL and Arpita are tied with 4 reviews each. As FL mentioned he won't be contesting, the surprise gift goes once again, to ARPITA. [Note: FL's reviews will be included for Member of the Month from this month. No more making things easier for you :D]

By mid February or early March, we are starting the Author Interview section. *sigh* more research on that later. I will be sending the admins on how to proceed and will need their inputs.

Giveaway starts in 2 days. Gear up for some great books.

Let February be as awesome as always.

the Admins


  1. Beautiful blog, interesting!
    I follow you like pleasure!!
    Pass to visit me, I have new post… and you follow me?!
    I’m waiting you!

    Many hugs ♥

  2. @ FL - we need to talk on phone bro, there are things that needs to be discussed and I am almost too screwed up to ever catch u online on time. How about deciding a time to chit chat on phone this weekend to discuss a lot of stuff associated with the page.

    @Nimue - u need to be reminded that we live in the same city and work in a radius of 2 km to each other. How about meeting sometime?

    @arpita - proud of u AS ALWAYS!

    @ Maithili - thanks for all the inputs to the blog, and I never knew u had a team blog of ur own too? :) PM the link sometime. and we were suppose to be working on something in dec end, Jan has ended too. Perhaps life has got a tight hold of all of us.

    @MSM, TEAM AND EVERY ONE NEW AND OLD IN OUR SPACE - Please make sure, we exchange some mails once in a while to atleast keep each notified of why and how deadlines are missed.

    @ myself - thankfully I did my 2 reviews for the month :), something I failed to do in dec :( changing homes very often, and being stuck in a 13 hour shift at work is leaving almost no space to focus but then again, I visit EVERYDAY and everyday means EVERYDAY. probably I need to get back to being audible in comments section too. I am game for the saturday chat, lets have a 3 day open chat window, friday-sun, with entry in the shout box mandatory too for everyone, atleast once in 3 days, we can scribble something there about our updates. Whats say?

    God bless


    PS - FL we need to chalk out a time to talk, and come up with something ahead by month end with regards to the interview initiative

  3. Congrats Arpita !
    Proud to have your comapny on this blog :D

    And yes, i am gonna be more regular with reading this month *fingers crossed*


    Sorry FL, been offline lot these days so not updated many pages. will do this weekend sure.

  4. I got my name mentioned in the third line of the post , jst by requesting reviews!! wow, you made my day :P admin.
    I still sooooo love to see my name, anywhere :P

    ALOP is going good. And the interview section can be started I guess, of the people reviewing books here, if not the authors :)

  5. we are in a process of getting authors speak here very soon, no assurances as of now, but I am sure there will be movement soon in that regard

  6. Will compensate for the reviews I didnt do last month ,this time ...congrats Arpi :)

  7. oh, my GOD, thank u SO MUCH!!! i'm thrilled!:D i love u guys!! this feels great n d interview thingy sounds exciting. can hardly wait! n i promise i'll do more reviews this month. thanks, everyone, for all the lovely comments. :)

  8. @FL_you post at 4am?? Don't you sleep?? :O

  9. and that reminds me, 5 am is my reporting time in Office. How sucking is that

  10. I've hardly done any reviews or even read any for that matter! :(
    I'll be back this month (I am not sure how 'coz I don't even have time to breathe!) But i'll be back with reviews and comments!


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