Stone of Farewell - Tad Williams

Stone of Farewell

Book 2 of 'Memory, Sorrow and Thorn'

Read about the first book HERE

ISBN - 978-0-88677-480-6
PAGES - 749
BINDING - Paperback
GENRE - Fantasy

Tad Williams

The Dragonbone Chair, War of the Flowers

SYNOPSIS - It is a time of darkness, dread, and ultimate testing for the realm of Osten Ard, for the wild magic and terrifying minions of the undead Sithi ruler, Ineluki the Storm King, are spreading their seemingly undefeatable evil across the kingdom. With the very land blighted by the power of Ineluki's wrath, the tattered remnants of a once-proud human army flee in search of a last sanctuary and rallying point - the Stone of Farewell, a place shrouded in mystery and ancient sorrow.

And even as Prince Josua seeks to rally his scattered forces, Simon and the surviving members of the League of the Scroll are desperately struggling to fulfill missions which will take them to the fallen citadels of humans to the hidden mountain caves of the Qanuc trolls....across storm-tormented waters to discover the truth behind an almost-forgotten the secret heartland of the Sithi, where the near-immortals must at last decide whether to ally with the race of men in a final war against those of their own blood.

An ash-darkened figure rose from the smoking  clutter at Ingen's feet.

"Venyha s'anh!" Jiriki shouted, and drove Indreju squarely into the huntsman's midsection.

Driven backward by the impact of Jiriki's blow, Ingen at last staggered to a halt, bending over the length of the blade which had been wrenched from its owner's hand. He gradually straightened, then coughed. Blood dribbled from his mouth and stained his pale beard, but his smile remained. "The time of the Dawn over," he rasped. There was a humming sound. Suddenly a half-dozen arrows stood in Ingen's broad trunk. sprouting on all sides like hedgehog quills.


It was Simon who shouted this time. He leaped to his feet, his heartbeat sounding loud  as war-drums in his ears; he felt the whipsong breath of the second volley of arrows as he ran forward towards the huntsman. He swung the heavy stone which he had clutched for so long.

FL Speaks - [contains spoilers. I strongly suggest that you read the first book or atleast the review of it]

Naglimund has fallen. Josua and a handful barely survive the destruction of the city by the Storm King and the Norns. With death chasing them, the prince and his company enter the Great Forest in the hopes that whatever old magic still resides in the forest is enough to keep their enemies at bay while they seek out the last hope of mankind, the Stone of Farewell. The Stone of Farewell is a powerful and a very sorrowful place for the Sithis...because that is where they and their once brothers parted ways.

Simon, on the quest for Thorn is captured with Sludig and Binabik by the trolls. Binabik is on trial for crimes he committed on his quest. As the days pass, the elders judge Binabik guilty and orders death. Simon manages to rescue them but eventually the trolls capture them again. But this time, they have proof that their common enemy was rising in power and so they are allowed to leave. Meanwhile Josua and his team are chased by the undead Norns across the forest and then captured again by some tribe chiefs whom he met before. [This chasing and escaping and chasing again can get a little too much for me specially when i don't get to read about the wars or the cunning evil plan that the High King was planning] It seems like Simon had his share of his adventures before he and Binabik and his small team were attacked by (wait for it....) GIANTSSSS!!!! Yeah! Soon enough, Simon is separated from them and finds himself in the land of the Sithi as a guest of Jiriki. The Sithi hometown greeted a mortal after ages but made it clear that Simon can never ever leave the city again.

The princess Miriamele is in Nabban with the mysterious priest Cadrach and soon they are in the cross-hairs of another political game which results in the assassination of the high priest by the evil Pyrates. Josua manages to reach the Stone of Farewell where he prepares for the last fight against the Storm King and his undead. With the final sword still missing the shift of power hangs in balance as Joshu'a men and the League of the Scroll try their best to keep themselves alive. The final act of war begins when the Storm King's minions attack the Sithi's own city killing their eldest. And its then, the Sithi decides to go to war against their former brothers.

Engaging continuation of the first book. This one doesn't give a moment's rest as the race for survival of the mortals hangs by a slim thread. In these two books they have been chased and chased, but I believe the final two books will start the the actual war that is looming over the horizon. Its time to take the fight to the Storm King, but without the third sword, everything else is futile. As the darkness envelopes the land, the Stone of Farewell is the last beacon of hope for the mankind against an enemy that was once a force of good but turned into a foreboding evil by circumstances and choices.

Can't wait to read the next one. Tad Williams once again proves why he is a must read along with Brandon Sanderson.

My Rating - 4 stars.

PRICE - INR 360/- [Flipkart Price]


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