The Famous Five on a Treasure Island - Enid Blyton

Author: Enid Blyton
Genre:  Fiction,Childrens book
Publisher: Hodder and stoughton

Synopsis(As given at the back of the book) :

The very first Famous Five adventure, featuring Julian, Dick, Anne, not forgetting tomboy George and her beloved dog, Timmy! There's a shipwreck off Kirrin Island! But where is the treasure? The Famous Five are on the trail - looking for clues - but they're not alone! Someone else has got the same idea. Time is running out for the Famous Five, who will follow the clues and get to the treasure first?


Aunt Fanny's hot scones,fresh plums and tomatoes from the garden. Long cycle rides. Bathing in the sea. Hot tempered Uncle Quentin. Sneaking around in torchlight. Solving mysteries in all kinds of situations.

When I think of the Famous five that's what first comes to my mind along with a huge chunk of my childhood memories.  I loved all of Enid Blyton's books without exception but to me,  Famous five was the icing on the cake. The Famous Five are Julian (13), Dick (11), Georgina who refuses to be called anything but George (11) and Anne (9) and dear old Timmy( George's dog). Julian, Dick and Anne are cousins with George and every holiday they meet up and somehow land up in awkward or mysterious situations. They have an exciting zeal to solve these mysteries which leads to their success in doing so. 

This is the first book of the series, where Julian, Dick and Anne have nowhere to go for their holidays and thus their father suggests that they go to his brother's (Their uncle Quentin) house at Kirrin Bay. He mentions that his brother has a daughter who is Dicks age and thus it would be fun for her as well.
When they reach Kirrin Cottage, Aunt Fanny and Uncle Quentin are awaiting them but Georgina is not to be seen anywhere. Aunt Fanny has been shown to be a warm, comforting mother figure who takes care of the children very well during each vacation. Uncle Quentin is  a very well known scientist but unfortunately has not been recognized to his potential and thus feels bad that he cannot provide to his family as much as he would want to which comes off as him being hot tempered, the slightest noise can set him off. Aunt Fanny warns them that George (She wouldn't answer to anything but George) can seem a little harsh at first but after she opens up a little proves to have a heart of gold. When she finally appears Julian, Dick and Anne aren't sure whether they want to be friends with her as she comes off as bossy, rude and self centered  But slowly they begin to like one another and become inseparable. Now that George can has gained their trust, she shows them one of her greatest secrets her dog Timothy, a mongrel puppy she has adopted but has hidden from her parents as they hadn't approved of him the first time she took him home. Aunt Fanny’s Family had inherited a small peculiar looking island with a wreck on the bottom which she gave to George as her own special place and the cousins decide to go and explore it. And so the adventure begins. The children visit the far side of Kirrin Island and peer down into the water to see an old wreck below the surface. It once contained gold, George explains, but no one ever found it. Due to a fierce storm the wrecked ship is brought up to the surface. The children are excited! The ship has been explored by divers before, but never above water! Perhaps they can find the missing gold! Do they find the gold ? Well, I wouldn't want to spoil it for everyone so you would just have to read the book to know ;)

Enid Blyton’s books have delighted generations of children. Famous Five is one series that can be read and re read an infinite number of times no matter what your age. Claude Voilier has continued series in French and a number of them have been translated into English. But in my opinion nobody beats Enid Blyton. A lovely read and trip down the memory lane :’)

Rating: 5/5
Price : 150 Indian Rupees


  1. Ah good old Famous five...I was waiting for somebody to review them...Lovely review,AaishanniaA. I completely agree that "NOBODY BEATS BLYTON". :D

  2. Thank you!! :) IKR :)
    When I saw the challenge,
    The first book that came
    to my mind was this one
    from this series.
    Although I also loved
    St.clares and Malory Towers.

  3. I love Timothy!!! FF is my second fav series of Enid Blyton. The first is ofcourse, The Five Find-Outers.

    But I remember forcing my dad to take me book shopping every first Sunday of a month when i was in class 5.

  4. cute review :D

    Though I admit , I loved hardy boys a bit more than famous five :)

  5. haha thanks :)

    I somehow never caught
    on to hardy boys too much.
    I loved FF, Malory towers
    and naughtiest girl the most
    out of Enid Blyton's books
    and also I read a lot of
    Nancy drew and Harry Potter.

  6. when it comes to enid blyton, i have to say i love the famous five best- this was one of my favorite books from d series. :)


    Enid Mary Blyton was a British children's writer also known
    as Mary Pollock. She is noted for numerous series of popular books based on
    recurring characters and designed for different age groups. Read more about the great English author Enid Blyton and her books at bookchums

  8. such a adventures story

  9. it must get a good ratings to.........


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