Revolution 2020 - Chetan Bhagat


ISBN - 978-81-291-1880-6
PAGES - 296
BINDING - Paperback
GENRE - Fiction

AUTHOR - Chetan Bhagat

BEST-SELLERS - Five Point Someone, 2 States

SYNOPSIS - Once upon a time, in small-town India, there lived two intelligent boys.

One wanted to use his intelligence to make money.

One wanted to use his intelligence to start a revolution.

The problem was, they both loved the same girl.

Welcome to Revolution 2020. A story about childhood friends Gopal, Raghav and Aarti who struggle to find success, love and happiness in Varanasi. However, it is not easy to attain these in an unfair society that rewards the corrupt. As Gopal gives in to the system, and Raghav fights it, who will win?

EXCERPT - Aarti and I had a deeper relationship. We saw Raghav as a friend, but not a close one.

'You will make a great air hostess', Raghav said, his tome flirtatious.

'yeah. Whatever,' Aarti said. 'Like dad is going to let me leave Varanasi. There are no airlines here. Only temples. Maybe i can be a temple hostess. Sir, please take a seat on the floor. Prayers will begin soon. Prasad will be served in your seats.'

Raghav laughed again, holding his muscular abdomen. I hate people who are naturally gifted with a flat stomach. Why couldn't god make six-packs a default standard in all males? Did we have to store fat in the silliest places?

FL Speak - And with this, Chetan Bhagat is back! Revolution 2020 was supposed to be carry-on-the-good-work writing after 2 States, which i have to admit was good. But his latest novel turned out to be a dud. A very big dissapointment.

Revolution 2020 has three main characters. Gopal, Raghav and Aarti. The author seems to have a fixation with threesomes, with 3 of his novels having 3 main characters. Anyway, its Gopal and Aarti who steals the plot away with Raghav reduced to being a spectator most of the time. The protagonist, Gopal is the anti-hero whom you will love to hate and love to love.

Varanasi. Home of our three young characters. Gopal and Raghav are friends from childhood and they meet Aarti in school when they were still kids. As time pass, Gopal and Aarti becomes the best of friends and Raghav a good friend of them both. As they reach their teens, Gopal's hormones start to act and he falls in love with Aarti. Aarti acknowlodges that she likes him too but "not like that" [*sigh* this is what happens in bollywood movies!].

Well, i guess you all can figure it out what happens after that? Hint - think Bollywood style. Yes, Aarti falls for the rich and the more hunky Raghav while Gopal, being poor and reduced to just-a-friend slowly loses his friendship. Raghav gets into IIT and Gopal goes to Kota for a year to prepare for his AIEEE once more. Now for the predictible twist. Raghav turns down a job offer at Infosys and chases his dream of being a journalist and start a Revolution to stop the rampant corruption. Gopal, fails to crack AIEEE once more, comes back home dejected. Soon, his father dies and he sells their farming land to a corrupt politician to build a college. You can't help pitying Gopal as he believes whatever he is doing, its not evil.

Aarti is being the confused bimbo. Seeing Raghav busy with his job, she secretly meets with Gopal for coffee at times to rekindle their friendship and not before long they end up sleeping with each other. Kudos Chetan Bhagat. We weren't expecting that! *smirks* Anyway, blah blah blah and as in most Bollywood potboilers, the hero grows a conscience. He sacrifices his love to bring back Raghav and Aarti together and bam! End of Story!

Seriously, i expected a lot more from Bhagat. This is a story that even my hormone-driven teenage brother can come up with in his dreams. Chetan Bhagat, whom i immensely like, is sadly living on the success of his first book. Disappointed.

My Rating - 2 stars

PRICE - INR 140/- [Rupa Publications]


  1. Quite expected of Chetan Bhagat! I wonder if 2 states was his creation sometimes!!

  2. @serendipity
    i actually like his first one. after that its all downhill, well except for 2 states

    exactly my thots

    don't. its utter crap

  3. ha ha ha :D how can anyone in his right mind even think of picking up this book! It looks ugly on Landmark shelf! This time they only gave it a small portion in the entrance, dont recollect if i have sen it in the main book section. I guess the yrealise it real worth only now. (Source : AMPA Skywalk Mall, Chennai)

    I even went to the extent of preventing a foreigner from buying this book, quoting random FL's statements from the very book review :D #KudosToMe

    Seriously speaking, the first book raised hell lot of expectation from a comparatively young IIT-IIM writer in India, we are raised to look up to such outstanding students, and look up we did. But then it all came crashing down, and the realization finally dawned to us that he was indeed just a five point someone in his life, can do nothing better than cracking entrance.

    3rd book onward i left reading his books. Apparently, he thinks the Bollywood funda of 2S sells applies in literary world as well. Someone remind him, people are still sane in this country. Sigh!

    I am out.

  4. After 2states my expectations were too high with this book...but it was such a disappointment....most of the plot was so predictable...sigh..

  5. Must be an enjoyable read Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat. loved the way you wrote it. I find your review very genuine and orignal, this book is going in by "to read" list.


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