My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This Savage Song is a Young Adult fiction set in a city full of monsters and human. The city is divided into two sections - one ruled by Harker who has made monsters his slave and now sells his protection to humans, other section ruled by Flynn who saves the humans by fighting the monsters and the evil humans alike and keeping them out of his part of the city. There are three kinds of monsters - and one of them is August - the boy who loves music but can not play at his will as his songs can steal a human's soul. Harker has a daughter - Kate who he keeps away from the city as much as Kate struggles to return home and eventually succeeds too.
“She cracked a smile. "So what's your poison?"He sighed dramatically, and let the truth tumble off his tongue. "Life.""Ah," she said ruefully. "That'll kill you.”
This is a story of these two and how one saves the other from acting like a real monster and ultimately saving the city, perhaps temporarily. Maybe this is about choices we make - to be the monster or not and to shape our own destiny even in the bleakest times. But what moves the story forward so seamlessly is the dialogue and the pace of the story. Supported by some really amazing cast on August's side and the conflicts on Kate's side, this is a really good quick read.
I did not love the book, but I did like it enough for one of the main characters - so that I am curious about the second part of the book to know the story further.
“I read somewhere," said Kate, "that people are made of stardust."
He dragged his eyes from the sky. "Really?"
"Maybe that's what you're made of. Just like us."
And despite everything, August smiled.”
The story ends at a point where it is satisfying to be left without reading the sequel.
Here is the link to the audiobook from youtube.
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