My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really liked the blurb when I first saw the book on kindle. And though I had the vague idea where the book headed as I started it, this was a ride I thoroughly enjoyed . One woman who started seeing future deaths and thus began a decade of saving people, being famous and dealing with personal relationship that become a public trial. One mistake and it never is the same again , but is it all worth the price ? This book raises some good questions about fame and relationships while never being too judgemental. All characters are well sketched and very realistic. There is no spare cast or scene and that keeps the book very entertaining till the end.
Brilliant writing and the plot was without loop holes. The book is in multiple narration format that kept the book very interesting and varied voices gave it a unique feel. This is the kind of book that makes me hopeful about the Indian fiction genre. One of the best thriller I read this year from Indian author.
My rating : 4/5
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