#Review: The whole shebang- sticky bits of being a woman by Lalita Iyer

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

The book did not take time to get into the business of why it was written. And. That was something that made reading this so easy and fun. It handled every aspect of being a woman with sensitivity and a lot of humor. I could relate to a lot of the chapters specially live and career and the whole thought process if friends and money. But then, the fun ended too soon for me.

While the book was indeed funny and most times it hit the mark bang on with the analysis and the comparisons , I felt it a little rushed. It started beautifully with some amazing anecdotes and painting a picture of what to expect. But by the end , it felt a little rushed. I would have wanted to dwell a little more on the chapters , perhaps I just enjoyed it too much. I actually laughed out loud while reading this as my husband gave me amused looks.

I will recommend this book to guys more than the ladies so they might have some idea about what goes behind the scenes in the life ofthe women around them or in their life.

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