#FaveFive – Book Siblings

Till I graduated from college ,I never had a much meaningful bond with my siblings. Or perhaps I never thought much about it. But that did not avoid me developing a notion of how the bond should be or could be ideally. And that was partially due to the below book siblings I adored and loved -

1. Hardy Boys - I have had a huge crush on Frank Hardy since forever but together with Joe , this sibling pair made me fall in love with reading. I can still read any if their books anytime and hope to actually gather the whole collection some day.

2. Little Women - This book is my bible into adulthood and growing up, I had a lot of inspiration from March sisters. Each one if them has her won charm and character and a way to live but how to complement each other is what they do best. And I loved that.  It taught me to be acceptable of my flaws and of people around me , and rather focus on the good in them

3. The Famous five - The four characters always were considered as one set of siblings by me. I discovered this series when I was in college but I have enjoyed the adventures and the settings samuchit as a kid. I loved Anne , the planner and caretaker sort of personal arched totally with mine.How I wish I could go on a picnic like these kids and have the summer vacations once again.

4. And the mountains echoed - This was my first Hosseini book and oh boy,it broke my heart when Abdullah is separated from his sister Pari. The way he feels her absence and the climax when they meet again ,while Abdullah has no memory left of her ,it made me shed a few years. This sibling pair will always be fresh in my mind.

5. The thirteenth tale - I am suddenly reminded of this book since I recommended it to some one recently. If you have not read this book, you MUST. It's a story of two sisters living in a farm and how tragedy strikes one of them. The other becomes a famous writer whose life is a big mystery to all. This book gave me the creeps and is so hauntingly narrated.

Of course I had wanted to add the Weasly brothers here , but I think you all already love them .


  1. The March Sisters seem to be really popular.
    I had an crush on Frank Hardy too :)

    ~ DDS @ Bookish Indulgences with b00k r3vi3ws

  2. Hi Pratibha! Thank you for taking part in Fave Five Friday. :) I haven't the 13th Tale and now I badly want to. ^_^ Awesome list.

  3. Haha, I had a think for Frank H, too!!


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