The key to any story is the plot. Some are simple and direct, some have twists, and some have morals. I feel that a simple plot is not necessarily a bad thing, but it should have enough in the story to appeal to the reader, and keep turning the pages.
The story/plot in the book "Done With Men" is, I feel, very simple. It's the story of a journalist Kairavi Krishna, who wakes up one fine (or maybe not so fine) day to find that she's in the hospital with a dislocated shoulder and fractured clavicle. She's in the care of her BFF Baani and her boyfriend Kapil. She's in Goa, on a working vacation. She's had her share of problems, which make her take the vacation for some alone time, but things don't end up the way she had thought it will.
The good thing about the story, as I told before, is that it is simple and direct; not only with the plot, but with the narration as well. The unfortunate part is that in such a case, the directness usually works against the story, and makes it very easy to know the ending. Yes, there are some bumps along the way that she must negotiate, but it's not something that affects the ending at all. Even if there are no twists, I feel the ending shouldn't be that predictable after reading a few pages.
The novella is a nice breezy read, which I feel is apt for a few hours journey. And it is a one-time read.
In A Gist:
Positives: Simple plot
Negatives: Predictability
Shuchi Singh Kalra is a writer, editor and blogger based in India. She has been writing since 2005, and has freelanced with popular magazines. Her short stories have found a place in anthologies as well. This is her first book.
Rating: 3/5
Book Details:
Title: Done With Men
Series: N/a
Author: Shuchi Singh Kalra
Genre: Romance
Publisher: Indireads
Price: $3
Reviewed by Leo, for Indireads.
The book can be puchased via the Indireads website at www.indireads.com
This is an advance-review. The book release is on 14/2/2014.
liked the cover ! Its attractive enough to pick this book.