Happy Birthday, Pulkit!

On your special day, we wish you luck, joy and the best of everything in life. Thanks for being such an integral part of A Lot Of Pages, and for doing the important work 'behind the scenes'. :D Your encouragement and contribution will always be appreciated. Wish you a very happy birthday!

Loads of Love,
The entire team@ALOP 


  1. Happy Birthday Pulkit!
    May this year be another fun-filled rollicking,blessed one filled with more books than you could ever read!:)

  2. A very happie happie wala birthday to you, Pulkit!! :)

  3. Happyy Birthday dearest one ...
    Waiting to meet you ! lot of book reading time and parties wishes to you :D

  4. happy belated budday bro. Hope you had fun and hope u get to read this year :D

  5. thanks everyone for the wishes :) This was so sweet and wonderful :)


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