The Krishna Key - Ashwin Sanghi

Title : The Krishna Key
Author : Ashwin Sanghi
Publisher - Westland Books
Genre : Fiction
ISBN : 978-93-81626-68-9
Pages : 464

As I always say, if a murder happens in the first few pages of the book. I already like it. And a huge shout out for Ashwin Sanghi for coming up with another masterpiece that I absolutely loved reading. "The Krishna Key" was one of the most anticipated books of the year. After delivering two best sellers in a row, namely, The Rozabal Line and Chanakya's Chant (Both have been reviewed here on this blog), I am sure it won't take much time for "The Krishna Key" to hit the bestsellers list and I hope it does.

I was so looking forward to lay my hands on this book and when I finally got it, I was reading The Rozabal Line, author's first book. The book had me gripped from the very first page and things I loved about the book are as follows 
  • The narration. The way Krishna's story has been infused with the plot of the book. That brought back many childhood memories when we used to wait for "Jai Shri Krishna" & "Mahabharata" to be aired on TV every Sunday morning. 
  • The Vedic mathematics and the constant use of the facts. I absolutely love the books where facts and fiction are weaved logically and a final conclusion in drawn. The symbols, the facts behind them. The book is filled with lots of graphics and anagrams. 
  • The turning point of the book, right in the middle of the story, leaving you aghast and say WTF has just happened.  It actually blew me off and when I tweeted about the same, the author responded a few moments later 

I would not like to discuss the plot of the book here. Absolutely not. But if you like fast paced stories, this one should surely be on your list. The characters are well defined and the best part is, there aren't too many of them. Also, I would strictly advise you to not to go through the book by flipping its pages. It would spoil the whole thing for you. As soon as you get the book, just start reading it. There are too many symbols and other interesting stuff in there, if you look at them beforehand, then you are ruining the book for yourself. 

And I must not forget the research that has been put into the book by Ashwin Sanghi. It is truly commendable and shows how dedicated and focussed he is while writing his stuff. At the end of the book, he gives a long list of references used for it and trust me there are some extremely interesting things in there. Just go for this one. 

(Review asked by Westland Books


  1. Reading it right now and I still think I m not as happy with it yet though the book definitely is much researched one for sure.

  2. I was about to review this, when I saw the tag, and I'm like damn! :P
    I'm reading it at the moment, let me see how it goes :)


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