Two Little Girls in Blue by Mary Higgins Clark

Margaret and Steve Frawley return home from a dinner in New York to discover the police in the house, their daughters missing, and an eight million dollar ransom note. The Frawleys meet the kidnapper's demands known as "Pied Piper", but the abandoned car they're led to contains only Kelly, the body of the driver, and a suicide note, saying he had inadvertently killed Kathy and dumped her body in the ocean.

When unexplainable occurrences follow, indicating that Kelly is in touch with Kathy, Margret finds herself alone in wanting to continue the search for her daughter. As FBI agents set out on a search for Kathy, and close in on the Pied Piper and his  accomplices, Kathy's life hangs by a thread.

Nimue Says : Kidnapping of a child can be any parent's worst nightmare. So it is for the lovely couple here, more so since they have no money to pay to the kidnappers. but eventually the money is paid and even after detailed planning , the police fails to catch the kidnappers. The couple and the rescued kid Kelly both go through a tough phase as every one around mourn the death of the other twin. Only Kelly knows differently but her attempts to talk to the parents are termed as shock reaction and no one except the mother has any hopes alive. Mary clark has nicely detailed the bond between the twins both before and during the days of kidnapping based on which the story makes a mark in your mind and heart. The fact that she offers you not one but many possible suspects , each with a detailed past and motive shows her clarity about the suspense which she maintains till the very end. The chase and the struggle of Margret to find about Kathy is both heart touching and makes the book unput-downable. The twin love can be interpreted for any sibling love , the sense of protection , the sharing  and the heart breaking communications add beauty to the story. The book so easily show case how we in any given day miss certain obvious realizatiosn and how often our intution can help not just a good sleep but also others. How the lives are interconnected and how blessed is the feeling to get the kids back home safe. But do the marks wither away ?

This is a simple tale of kidnapping , planning and the consequences of lives of many in that town.

Ratings : 4/5

Other details :

Publication Date: April 4, 2006
Genres: Fiction, Thriller
Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN-10: 0743264908
ISBN-13: 9780743264907
Price @ flipkart : 350/-


  1. I might consider adding this one to the book club. I love a good thriller.

  2. OH MY GOD!! i rmmbr seeing this in a bookstore and loving d synopsis and i have no clue why i did not buy it then and there. i guess i wasn't sure if it is as promising as it sounds. ur review has assured me that it's totally going to be worth it reading this one. thanks! :) PS- glad ur back in action ;)


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